Meet The Member: Saturn Jack

Meet The Member: Saturn Jack

Meet Saturn Jack – a singer, rapper, and songwriter who’s been creating with us for the past two years and just dropped a great new single at the end of 2022.

Read the full interview below:

Introduce yourself to the Beatlibrary community in 3 sentences.

I am Saturn Jack, a singer, songwriter, and rapper. I have been collaborating with the team over at Beatlibrary for 2 years! My passion and drive for music is what gives me life, and my goal is to continue creating everyday, working towards becoming a full time artist.

What got you into making music?

I began making music during a rough patch of my life. I wanted a way to express my emotions in a beautiful art form. Since then, I’ve been able to connect with amazing artists who inspire me to keep creating and strive for improvement. Now, music is what adds color to my life, and the thing that I think about every day.

How long have you been making music?

Even though I just had my first track release, I have been taking music seriously for 2 years. It was important for me to wait for my music to be meaningful before I could release it and promote it. During those two years, countless songs were written and recorded, solely for the purpose of artist development, and I learned as much as I could about the industry before diving into it. Now that I’ve taken the first step of releasing a track, the next chapters will slowly begin to fall into place.

What was it about this song that made you think “this is the one” after years of development?

This song changed my perspective of how I create music. I went from trying to create specific sounds to letting my ideas come naturally. This was the first song that came to me without having to push myself too hard. It made the whole track feel more genuine and natural. When the track felt true to myself and still remained catchy and energetic, I knew it was the first track I wanted to release.

Putting so much work behind the scenes before really releasing music shows so much serious dedication! What’s the most important lesson you’ve learnt while putting in all those hours?

The most important thing I’ve learned is to value time and practice more than anything! So many people are constantly looking for shortcuts to make it to the top. I learned how important it is to allow yourself the time to grow and develop as an artist. At the end of the day, those who are the most invested and dedicated in their craft will make music that reflects confidence, and will give them a competitive edge in the music industry.

What’s something you wish someone told you in your first year of music?

If I could have been given advice when I had just started creating music, I wish I could have been told to focus on myself and stop worrying about how my music sounded compared to other artists. As I mentioned, putting in the work is a crucial aspect of becoming talented, and this was a challenging roadblock to overcome.

What do you have planned for 2023? Is the single a part of a bigger project you already have planned?

Throughout the coming year, I hope to continue developing as an artist, and establish some consistency by dropping tracks regularly. By the end of the year I want to have a solid selection of tracks on my profile, as well as my first album finished and released!

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